KBDfans Custom Keyboard GMK Arch
KBDfans Custom Keyboard GMK Arch
- In stock now, ready to ship(2022-11-18)
- Selling extra pre-order (2022-11-03)
- Queuing for production(2021-09-07)
- Group Buy Date: April 30th - May 30th, 2021
- Estimated Ship Date: To be updated
# ls gmk-arch/vendors
├── US: Mechs & Co. ├── CA: AshKeebs ├── SA: Fancy Customs
├── EU: mykeyboard.eu ├── OCE: DailyClack ├── SEA: ILUMKB
├── UK: protoTypist ├── KR: SwagKeys ├── CN: KBDFans
├── NR: Tastatur(Mekanisk)
# ls gmk-arch/colors
The modernity regarding the dark grey, simplicity of white, and versatility of deep navy help make this a visually pleasing set that’s usable on almost anything and is easily legible in all lighting. The sparse use of teal helps this minimal set gain a pop of color, making it a bit less boring while still not being in your face.
# ls gmk-arch/kits
The Shell Kit is where it all starts, containing everything you need for the most common layouts along with alternatives if you want a mod pipe or no accent keys.
The TTY Kit is for those minimalists who prefer a uniform design, and allows you to use a full black and teal set, including an extra tab key so you can cover two boards of course.
The Powerline Kit WIll cover any spacebar needs you might have.
The GCC Kit will cover most niche layouts(Ortho/Ergo/40s) that you may use, and acts as a 2nd base kit with the included alphas!
The Localization Kit Covers most European ISO layouts.
Can't handle a terminal? No problem, just install the GUI and you're set with full icon mods! For people like me who prefer just having icons over the busy look of text.
The true way to show everyone that you use Arch, the superior distro, with an Arch logo and I use Arch BTW Key included for that finishing touch.
# ls gmk-arch/renders
# ls gmk-arch/deskmats