Welcome to the Interest Check for GMK Kitsune. The set is based on the mythical nine tailed foxes which are believed to be extremely wise and having the ability to shape shift.
To know more please visit us over at our discord at https://discord.sxmdesigns.com/.

KBDfans Custom Keyboard GMK Kitsune
KBDfans Custom Keyboard GMK Kitsune
Keycaps specs
- Profile: Cherry Profile
- Production Method: Doubleshot; UV printed for JP Sub-legends and Novelties.
- Material: ABS Plastic
- Manufacturer: GMK Electronic Design GmbH in Germany
- Friendly Reminds: Only keycaps included, no keyboard
- Compatibility: Cherry MX switches and MX-style clones
- Designer: SxM Designs
Deskmat Specs
- Measurement: 900*400*4mm
- Texture: Cloth top & rubber bottom
- Production Method: Stitched edge
Group Buy Date
- March 3rd - April 3rd, 2023
Estimated Shipping Date
- 32 Weeks after payment
- Global : KBDfans
- EU: Mykeyboard
- NA: Vala.supply
- Canada: Deskhero
- Asia : Ilumkb
- Oceania : DailyClack
- South Korea: Swagkeys
- Japan : Basekeys